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"Wow! Amazing! I really enjoyed that everything you read was right on the money. I have been dwelling too hard with not being pregnant already that I have lacked the love and intimacy I have to give. I have also started feeling down about my body when I shouldn't. I would agree that seeking medical and spiritual guidance would be best however with everything you said I think I will focus on the "here and now" and not worry about another child. I can't really afford another child anyhow. I just wanted my daughter to have a sister and that's not guaranteed so with time maybe. Thank you so much!!!! When would I be able to have another reading?" - Amanda


“I am excited for this best of luck with your new business may it be highly successful” – Niki


"Mark Watson has helped me with numerous tarot readings over the years. His results are relevant, thought provoking and remarkably accurate. He provides an insight that can only be the result of decades of experience." - Kevin


"I just wated to say thanks, I appreciate your service. It definitely helped me sort some important personal subjects. I have heard of Thelema and am somewhat keen with it. I've read much on it. I had started the practices they teach, but obviously haven't made a discipline out of it. Lon Milo Duquette, probably the most widely known Thelemic author in SoCal, is located in Huntington Beach and has a Monday Night Magick Class. I went to a few of them, but failed to continue due to transportation difficulties.  I do feel I should get back on it. His house and his esoteric teachings had a very down to earth feel. Anyway, thanks again for your time and reading Mark." - Manuel


"Wow that's crazy... Today is my grandmas birthday and everything you said makes perfect sense. I just had a long conversation with my mother who I don't have a real good relationship with and after she reads the messages may not have one with her at all.. my grandma was always my go to person so I definitely believe she was the one who pushed me to my breaking point tonight. You don't know how much this meant to me... with your reading from cards based upon my question... it was just absolutely amazing and dead on what I have been dealing with. And of all days for you to be able to read it was this day that drew you to full fill my request it gives me chills. Youre absolutely amazing and I am forever greatful for this reading. Thank you so much. I'm so shocked. I just am in a state of awe.... thanks again. Your the best and if I could reach through this screen I would give you the biggest hug i possibly could right now." - Amanda


"Your reading was important and most helpful to an hysterical reminded me to focus.. on less..and self..and i appreciated the insight at a time when i was too scattered and emotionally close to the situation to read for myself... and 'piece of mind'... months on... i wish I'd done a better job of following the advice therein... i do hope on that reading still... that the foundation is strong and that is what will get us through!" - Deborah


"WOW!  This is so accurate that it's mind-blowing, but what's more, I think the advice is fantastic (and immediately useful).  I'm going to read it through a few more times, and will write back either tomorrow or the next day. Thank you so much for reading for me!  It is immensely helpful because I've been wandering in the dark for a very long time!" - Robert

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